Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Three Canadian FM Stations shut down, including one in OTTAWA -- FM Radio is taking a hit, not just AM

CJWL, 98.5 FM, a Hot-AC station in Canada's capital and fourth largest city, will soon be shut down, and taken off the air. Two other FM Country stations in nearby, smaller cities are also getting their plugs pulled.

Over the past several years, some AM stations have been shut down, flipped to syndicated programming like Sports Betting, or otherwise just plain removed from the airwaves, and being that this blog is about AM Radio as well as all other things Radio, in recent articles here I have covered the closings of several AM stations -- as quite a few of those closings have occurred after the Pandemic.

The post-Pandemic economy is socking it to Radio, and now it is apparent that it's not just AM Radio that's taking the hit.

It was recently announced that three FM stations in Canada (owned by the Evanov company) are being shut down, due to financial reasons, and one of them is a station that plays Hot AC, a very popular radio format, and that station is in Canada's #4 city (and its capital), Ottawa -- metro population approximately 1.5 million people.

The three FM stations in question went on the air in 2000's, with CJWL Lite 98.5 going on the air in 2006, with the other two stations hitting the airwaves not long afterwards.

It appears that these FM stations -- like many others -- have been getting hit by changes in listenership, with its migrating to Streaming. On top of that, there have been downturns in advertising revenues in the Radio industry, especially since the Pandemic.

The Evanov company's PR release concerning the shutting down of the FM radio stations says it all, really: "All broadcasters are now contending with the challenges of increased competition, a difficult media climate, and the residual effects of the pandemic."

Here is a link to the RadioInsight article on the FM station closings.:

Whether a new buyer is interested in purchasing these stations to make a go of it is a good question. None have been mentioned. No potential sale was mentioned, either. It looks like these three Eastern Ontario stations will go permanently dark.

From everything else that I've read concerning the state of Radio, the Evanov spokesman seems correct. The 'difficult media climate' he mentions is directly related to the state of advertising -- ad revenues are down across the board, especially for legacy media like Radio, TV, Cable, Newspapers, Magazines -- there are infinite 'slots' for advertisers on the internet and it decreases the value of those advertising 'slots' media wide.

On top of that, of course, you've got inflation, something which Canadians also deal with. Their dollar, like the US dollar, is worth less than it was worth in the 2000's. For example, according to the Bank of Canada, the Canadian dollar is worth 69% less than it was in 2000, and 18% less than it was before the Pandemic hit.

The Bank of Canada inflation calculator can be found here. It is similar to the US BLS Inflation Calculator.:

Being that the Canadian dollar -- like the US dollar -- has declined in value since the 2000's, the effect has hit Radio with a double-whammy: you have decreased numbers of listeners since the 2000's, increased online competition for advertising over the same time period, and overall inflation, too.

Radio is a difficult business anymore because of these factors.

KNPT 1310, Newport, Oregon, left the air for good in late January, 2024, after seeing its ad revenues dive by more than 50% during and after the Pandemic. Several other stations in Newport's Oregon Coast market, both FM and AM, as well as a stream, were shut down at the same time. This left Lincoln City, OR, without an AM station (KBCH).

Over the past couple of years, I've noted -- on this blog -- the shutting down, or potential shutting down, of several radio stations in the Pacific Northwest and Canada. From KNPT Newport, to KUTI Yakima, to KYVL/KMED Medford, to the shutting down of Las Vegas's 50KW powerhouse station KDWN, to the potential closings of two stations in Edmonton and Vancouver, to the shutting down of 7 AM stations in Canada by Bell Media (4 of them in Alberta and British Columbia), to Bell Media's selling off 45 other radio stations in Canada last year to smaller Radio companies. Many of the stations in Bell Media's 45 station fire sale (this last February) were on the AM band, with all of them affected by the post-Pandemic economy, and migration of listeners to Streaming platforms.

During the February sale of the 45 stations, Bell Media's spokesman said "radio is not a viable business anymore."

Here is my article on Bell Media's selling off the 45 stations -- many in Western Canada.:

My article on Bell Media pulling the plug on CFRN and 6 other AM stations in Canada is here.:

To AM Radio fans, all of these sales and station closings were a bit of a shock.

But to many others in the Radio business, there were a lot of scoffers, who just shrugged it off as 'AM Radio', the 'dying media'.

However, now, the picture is changing. The shutdowns are starting to hit FM.

Both AM, and FM, are being bludgeoned by Streaming platforms -- and those Streaming platforms aren't owned by Radio companies.

In one of my last articles on this subject, I mentioned that I understand why some listeners migrate to Streaming. If I want to hear all 2010's Electronic pop, Radio doesn't provide a lot of it. But Pandora has a channel devoted entirely to 2010's Pop. If I want to hear 2000's Nu-Metal, there are channels online that cater to that genre as well. The local FM Rocker that played a lot of it -- KVRQ 98.9 -- got flipped to country after a year, and the other local FM rocker, KISW, doesn't play a lot of Nu-Metal, and they shut down their HD2, Metal Militia channel that played nothing but Metal. 

However, I can get all the Nu-Metal and Metal I want on a couple channels on Pandora, which is on my phone.

CKHK-FM was a Modern Country station in Hawkesbury, a small to medium sized city on the Ottawa River, near the eastern tip of Ontario, about 30 miles upstream from the junction of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers. Country is one of the hottest radio formats. Even such a format can not save a station if the ad revenues are down.

Radio is stuck between a rock and a hard place, but it's not helping itself by leaving a lot of listeners in the lurch. Half the HD FM signals in my metro of 4 million people are HD1 only, meaning that their HD signal just broadcasts the main channel. A lot of FM's have no HD.

It wasn't always this way. Just 8 years ago there were quite a few HD2's with different formats -- Blues, Metal, BBC, Alt, Radio Disney, LBGTQ, Viet, Religion.... Yet the radio companies got rid of a lot of them. Thankfully, some companies still have HD2's on their FM stations. But it seems to be a declining trend.

They sometimes say that HD2's are expensive to maintain, which seems a bit laughable: it's just another programmed computer playlist and the signal is already on the air.

Either way, Radio in general appears to be drifting in free fall, and many of the experts seem to be resigned to the fact that the future is all online, and they're resigned to keep it that way.

Some of them, but not all of them, understand that the transformation to All Streaming means that by 2035 or 2040 most of them won't have a job, because most listening won't be to individual stations, but to channels on Pandora and other platforms, as well as individual, user-programmed streams.

For those who are or were in the Radio business, it's just the reality. Radio could advertise more, but apparently the Radio companies are strapped for promotion revenue, and the ROI that would come from advertising your station/stream's existence on other platforms like YT, FB, or other online media -- to try to attract and gain new listeners -- just isn't there.

In conclusion, it's sad to see FM radio take the hit. For the past few years, a lot of folks -- even Radio people -- make fun of AM as the old-person's media, and even MW DX'ers talk as if they wish a lot of stations would just shut down.

I've always been against that idea, and detest that attitude. I know some stations are going to shut down due to economics, but I in no way applaud it. Any stations shutting down -- AM or FM -- is an indicator that the industry is in great trouble. And this applies not just to AM, but FM also.

If an FM station that plays one of the two most popular music formats in North America can't pay the bills, while being on the air in one of Canada's Top 4 cities, what does that say for the state of Radio today?

WPLJ New York City was a top FM station in the 70's and 80's, and probably one of the top stations in the US. When it finally sold to EMF in 2019, it was valued much lower than it was even 20 years ago. An FM station with a good signal, in America's biggest city, couldn't keep going without being sold to a religious broadcaster.

I have a feeling that there may be more of these stations going off the air, or otherwise being sold to religious broadcasters -- some of which have enough money to buy an FM in a big city, as was proven by EMF's purchase of WPLJ New York several years ago in 2019 (it was part of a deal where EMF bought 5 Cumulus FM stations, including FM stations in Washington, D.C., and Atlanta). The purchase of WPLJ, once a major station in NYC, got the biggest discussion in Radio circles, however.

That purchase, of what once was a hit radio station in the #1 market and #1 city in the United States was a harbinger of the future of FM radio. The station also sold for a fraction of what it was worth in the 1980's.

Here's the Wiki on WPLJ:

WPLJ's logo today. K-Love is a national, Christian contemporary / praise music format, with stations in nearly every major city in the US. They are owned by EMF, who also runs Air-1 stations in most metros. The Air-1 in Seattle is on 88.1 FM.

So now Canada's capital city, and Canada's fourth largest metro area, will see a station go dark on 98.5 FM. The other two FM stations being shut down, both Country (the #1 music format in the US), serve smaller cities SE and East of Ottawa. According to the RadioInsight article above, three employees of these stations will still have jobs at other stations in the company, but whether there were other employees let go or not isn't mentioned.

If there were, I feel for them, as their Radio days are probably over. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: chances are extremely high they will never work in the Radio industry again. The industry is in decline. Even a cursory look at BLS labor stats indicates that employment in Radio, and broadcast media in general, is dropping. Although that's just the US, I'm certain in Canada it isn't much different.

Rockland, Ontario is a moderate sized city maybe 20km / 15 miles East of Ottawa, on the Ottawa River. Modern Country is the #1 or #2 music format on radio in North America (excluding Mexico and Greenland). It couldn't keep this FM station on the air. The spectre of listener migration to online Streaming, as well as the decline in advertising revenues is killing Radio stations. Including FM.

I used to work with two Canadians who were format consultants at the Radio Format company where I worked for 16 years. They both told me that it's a tougher market in Canada. It's because it's a smaller national Radio market. The country is vast, but the population is comparatively small, and it's mostly concentrated in just ten or eleven large metros (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Quebec City, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Victoria, Halifax, and a few other cities with over 200K in the market). 

The Canadian radio experts I knew each said that the Canadian Radio infrastructure isn't financially robust, especially compared to the US Radio marketplace. They each consulted hundreds of radio stations in the US. That was something they couldn't do in Canada. The economics of Radio in Canada is smaller than it is in the US.

Perhaps with the shutting down of these three Ontario FM stations we're seeing some of that. And we may be seeing the start of a trend, not just in Canada, but in the US as well, of FM's going under. Because the economics of Radio in the US isn't very robust at the moment.

Remember, one of the largest Radio companies in the US, Audacy, just flipped the #10 billing radio station in the country -- WCBS-AM -- from news to sports. Top billing doesn't count like it used to.

My article on WCBS having the news format 'plug' yanked.:

FM going down the tubes is inevitable. I personally think the death of FM is a few decades away, but it's apparent that everything is going online, and that means more concentrated power in the hands of a few key players: Spotify, YT, Pandora, Apple, Amazon Music, IHeart, and Audacy, and a few other large music and audio streaming platforms.

There will come a day when the economics of Radio won't support studios (with all the expensive desks, microphones, processors, computers, etc.), station audio processing equipment, STL's, Transmitters, backup transmitters, and Towers -- and all the electric bills it takes to run that FM infrastructure. Many FM stations in the US are 100KW or more. Even smaller ones can be 30-50KW. That electricity cost adds up. 

One expert on a Radio forum I go to said that most of the stations in a small metro of around 45K people in the Eastern part of my state are financially in trouble, because of the decline in advertising revenues. Most of those stations are FM's. Another small metro on the western side of the state is seeing its small cluster of stations (including an FM) getting rid of staff because of a decline in revenues.

As can be seen, FM Radio is not immune to the decline. Remember, KNPT Newport had two FM stations in its cluster, and KNPT itself had an FM translator. They also had a station stream. 

It didn't save them. The economics just wasn't there for the operation anymore.

To those of you in Canada, my other mother country: I realise that the economy is hitting Radio in your country, and it's sad that so many of these stories are about shut down radio stations across your great land.

CKMX, CFRN, CKST, CFTE, and other stations in major Canadian cities -- some of which still had ratings (like Edmonton's CFRN, a TSN/ESPN affiliate), and some of which I listened to (CKMX, CFRN) are now all gone. Just recently, 900 CHML Hamilton, an AM news and talk station, was shut down. Its owners, media company Corus, is facing economic difficulties.

97 years on the airwaves, and a Global / City News format in Canada's #9 city couldn't keep CHML 900 from having the plug pulled. The mayor of Hamilton called CHML the 'DNA' and the 'fabric of the city.' Not any more. The company abruptly laid off the staff one morning in mid-August, switched to automated music for a couple hours, and then -- after a statement by a radio company exec -- went to one hour of dead carrier before finally switching it off. True class.

Here's a CBC news story on that destruction of a nearly 100 year old, community-related news station.:

And now these 3 FM's in Ottawa and nearby cities are being shut down. 

What my former Canadian workmates said about media in Canada turns out to be pretty accurate. It's a tough radio marketplace. And it's getting that way all over.

My oldest cat, Tigger, born some time in March, 2007. He is now 88 cat years old.
He's a tough, gentle cat. He still misses one of his cat pals that ran off 6 years ago. But his other pal, Racofrats, keeps him good company.

There really isn't all that much to say about what's going on, really. The weather is still relatively warm, and I buried my cat Squeakers, but it didn't take away the pain. She was getting stronger and doing better over a couple days, and then I went in to check on her and she was dead. Now she rests near my hawthorn tree.

Now I just have to ensure that my other cats stay healthy.

I'm keeping physically active. I eat OK. A lot of noodle soups, with beans, peas, celery, bok choy, onions, potatoes, carrots, and some cut oats mixed in -- with lots of paprika, curry, cayenne and other spices. I still DX the SW and MW bands, although it's been a bit boring to do so, as I'm not really enthused about it. I'm starting to plan ahead for Halloween. I have some electric jack o' lanterns to fix, and I suppose I'll have to carve a pumpkin for this Halloween also. But that's a month away.

Although I really have nothing to celebrate, I'll at least put up the effort.

There are millions of people worse off than me. Believe me, I am aware of that.

Racofrats, named after my very first cat, that I had when I was a little kid. Racofrats is Tigger's pal.

Today, of course, is September 11th. On this day, 23 years ago, we all know what happened in New York City. It was an event that changed the United States in many ways.

I have a post on September 11th here.: 

Until next time, 

C.C. September 11th, 2024.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Top Billing Station WCBS 880 Flips To Sports -- What That Means For Radio in the US

WCBS 880 AM, a powerhouse station that New York City depended on for News. The station made almost $30 Million a year, and it was one of the top billing Radio stations, AM or FM, in the country.
A good reason to kill it, right? 

Over the past several months, I've posted articles here about AM radio stations in the US either going dark, or flipping to syndicated, automated formats like Sports Bet talk.

Since the start of last year, Bell Media in Canada turned off 6 or 7 AM stations; KNPT Newport Oregon (which had a stream and an FM translator) switched off permanently -- along with a couple sister, AM and FM stations; KUTI Yakima (ESPN Yakima -- an already syndicated station) turned off; CKGO Vancouver and CHQT Edmonton saw their staff fired and the two stations went to a simulcast, and may end up going off the air; 50KW station KDWN in Las Vegas went off the air permanently (their stream didn't help them survive); CHML Hamilton, Ontario went off the air permanently; another company in Canada sold off a ton of AM stations last year.

It seems that a lot of Radio companies are downsizing and AM radio is bearing the brunt of it; the others bearing the brunt, naturally, are the laid off airstaff and other laid off workers, the majority of whom will never work in Radio ever again.

So, as you can see, it's been a fairly dark year or so for AM radio in the US and Canada. In one case, where Bell Media got rid of so many stations (some of which had OK ratings), their leadership said that "radio isn't a viable media anymore". It seems that they no longer believed in Radio as a relevant medium with any future. 

It wouldn't be the first time, of course, that a large media company has shown that it no longer believes in Radio -- Radio Disney proved that when they sold off all of their AM radio stations, then turned off all their HD Radio channels nationwide, and then finally cut off their Radio Disney stream.

Radio Disney went from being an Over-The-Air radio player, to pulling the plug on all Radio operations -- OTA or online streaming -- completely in just under 5 years.

WCBS 880's most recent logo, used until Midnight, the morning of August 26th, 2024.

In many cases, the stations that I wrote about last year weren't really making enough money to stay in operation -- that was the case with KNPT Newport (50% decline in ad revenues after the Pandemic was over), and it is said the KUTI / ESPN Yakima had a deteriorating antenna system and it probably wasn't worth all the money needed to rebuild it. The return on investment just wasn't there.

Radio in general is in a tough spot economically. Anyone who is acquainted with the economics of Radio knows that. But it turns out that even if you are a Top Billing Station in the US, your owners will lay off staff, and flip the station.

And this has happened in the US's "Market #1", New York City. WCBS 880, a mainstay in New York City media culture, is flipping from All-News to Sports.

WCBS was a TOP BILLING AM RADIO STATION in New York City. They are one of the top 20 billing radio stations in the United States.

Here is a list of the Top Ten Billing Radio Stations in the United States, last year.
WCBS 880 is #10, with $29.7 Million in revenues.

And WCBS 880 was the #2 Top Billing AM Radio station in the United States last year, also (competitor WINS in NYC is FM as well as AM).
It naturally begs the question: What company risks throwing $29.7 Million away?

Here is a link to the RadioInk article where I got those two charts. It's a roundup of Radio revenues for last year.:

Despite the fact that WCBS 880 pulled in over $29 million a year, their owners have fired 22 people and have just switched WCBS to Sports -- with part of that programming being syndicated, and some of it appearing to be a simulcast of another station in NYC. And on top of that, they changed the call letters to generic and forgettable sounding ones, WHSQ.

On the radio forums there are all sorts of reasons given for this flip. "They're saving money this way" seems to be the general mantra. Being that WCBS's owners, Audacy, Inc., also runs WINS in New York -- another All-News station -- they figure that the WCBS newsies will migrate to WINS and WINS will get even more revenue from it.

And that begs the question: when you treat your listeners like shit, why are they going to stick around and migrate to one of your other stations?

After all, News is not confined to a Radio station. You can easily get your news from your smartphone or laptop computer. There are alternatives, and even older demos who love radio know about the alternatives, many of which are right on their phone.

Pissing off your listeners doesn't always work well. When Radio ditched several music formats for older listeners in the late 2000's -- Smooth Jazz, AAA, Oldies, Alternative Rock, Motown, Old-School R&B, Standards, Beautiful Music, and even other niche formats like Kid's radio and Heavy Metal -- many of those listeners left Radio completely, and went to streaming services like Pandora, Spotify and YouTube. 

If I want to hear all 2010's pop music (like Radio Disney used to play a lot), there's a Pandora channel for that. It's a great channel to listen to, if you want to slip back into 2012 when things didn't suck as much as they do now.  If I want to hear Metal, thanks to the local FM rocker pulling the plug on their HD2 Metal Militia channel, I just go to YouTube or Pandora for that kind of music.

No Radio necessary.

Here's the article I wrote on Radio Disney, and Radio Disney's demise. It is a capsule of everything wrong with Radio today.:

Thanks for giving me the finger over the last few years, Radio. I guess in a way -- by going online to get the music I like -- I'm giving you the finger right back. And I'm not apparently alone. Now, I still listen to radio. I still tune around. I listen to some talk, some music, a little bit of religious radio from time to time, and a lot of the Sikh prayer music at night on KVRI 1600, and sometimes the CBC. There's also an classic alternative HD2, as well as a Classical Christmas HD2 channel I like. 

But it is a bit jarring to read some of the attitudes of radio people towards folks in my age range (I'm a Generation Joneser), along with Boomers and Gen X'ers -- people who grew up with and love radio -- to where they seem to view us with disdain. If often feels like they are indeed giving us the finger.

And right now, WCBS's owners are giving the WCBS listeners the big middle finger. Despite the money they were making, they're cutting staff, cutting costs, and hoping that in the end it will still pencil out for the corporation.

I suppose time will tell.

For those interested, here is a link to ESPN New York's website, where there is a list of the shows on both WEPN 1050 and WCBS 880.:

The new logo for ex-WCBS, WHSQ 880. 

You know, on the Radio forums, they keep repeating the mantra that "Radio is a Business".

OK. I get it. It is indeed a business. And power bills, airstaff -- they all need to be paid. And that means you have to have ad revenue.

But what business -- that is making big money, and is a top revenue earner in its market -- gives the finger to its consumer base?

Of course, in Radio, they say "our customers are the advertisers -- you listeners are the product, which we deliver to the advertisers". OK, you're doing a great job, Radio. Too often you're telling your "product" -- the listeners -- to go away. You are giving your "product", the listeners, less reason to tune in to your stations, and many of them are indeed leaving. You really think your "customers", the advertisers, are still going to pay you for that smooth move?

Thankfully, my own livelihood is not on the line. My last job in the Radio industry ended on December 31st, 2006. Since then I've just been an interested observer with nearly 20 years of working in the Radio industry (a 3 month internship, 3 years at one station, 16 years at a radio format company) under my belt.

And -- for the life of me -- I just can't wrap my head around a company taking a gamble by killing a Top Billing Radio station in America's #1 city. It just doesn't add up.

But I suppose I could be wrong.

My headline poses the question: What does this mean for Radio in the US?

I think it's a sure sign of Radio's decline. If the industry truly thinks that Radio listeners don't really count -- even when you have a top billing station in Market #1 -- then you're going to increase the decline of Radio listeners.

Oh, and to those who run the Radio industry: The listeners aren't migrating to your online platforms. They're going to Spotify, YT, Pandora, and online podcasting. This includes older demographics (who traditionally love Radio) as well as the younger ones. They not only are finding Radio to be irrelevant because it's older tech -- they're finding it irrelevant because Radio is making itself irrelevant to the listener. From 2012 to 2022 Radio lost 10% of its listeners. They didn't leave just because of Spotify. They also left because Radio itself is too homogenized and blah to listen to.

The local rock station situation in Seattle is a classic example. Seattle is a Rock town. AC/DC sold out the 20K seater, Seattle Center Coliseum 4 nights in a row in 1981. Grunge was born here. 

Rock 98.9's Logo and website banner. The station lasted about a year and a half.

In 2016 there was a new station, KVRQ Rock 98.9, that played Rock aimed at Gen X, and the mix was better than that at the mainstay, KISW, which has an afternoon show of yakkers who play little music, and the yakking simply isn't that entertaining to listen to. Most of the Gen Xers and Boomers I knew who liked rock listened to Rock 98.9 instead. They liked the mix of music, and they preferred the artists that were 98.9's core artists (80's through 00's hard rock, with some Grunge, Nu-Metal, and classic Metal).

The owners of KVRQ Rock 98.9 didn't promote the station well. There were no billboards, no advertising. No real visibility outside of the FM band. They thought that just flipping the format and putting up a website was adequate.

It wasn't. Since then KVRQ Rock 98.9 turned into KNUC The Bull (Modern country); into KPNW (Alt Rock - AAA); and into The Bull (Modern Country) again. With none of these changes did the company ever advertise outside of the FM radio dial. They seemed to take it for granted that if they just put a format on the air, it would draw listeners.

Here's the 2016 article I wrote on KVRQ Rock 98.9 when it was still a new station in town.:

Many in Radio have lost touch with the concept how to grow and run a business. Part of that aspect is advertising your product, to gain more consumers or customers. Too many in Radio have lost it. They think it's 1970 and if they just build it, they will come. That worked in 1975, but it doesn't work anymore. Too many Radio owners seem to be stuck in a 1970's Radio mindset, combined with the early 2000's "just put up a website and we'll make tons of money off the New Economy" mindset. 

Neither mindset applies today.

For example, a lot of stations still "stunt" when changing formats. WCBS 880 didn't, but there have been some stations doing this as late as last year. It was pertinent in 1980 when people literally tuned the FM dial with analog tuning mechanisms, and could pick up a new station by chance -- but in today's smartphone, smartscreen, virtual pushbutton environment, the idea that people are tuning around on the dial looking for something to listen to are long gone.

The days of "stunting" to flip a format were over 15 years ago, but some stations still do it.

News flash: Today's radio listeners don't tune around anymore, looking for new stations. The older demographics that Radio experts make fun of do that, sure, but your 18-49 demos don't do that anymore. 

They go online.

That's why you need to advertise.

Wake up, Radio.

I will end this article with a vid taken by a guy on a radio forum I go to, a guy named Dalton, who lives in Pennsylvania. Like me, he likes older radios, and he likes AM radio. He recorded this clip of WCBS signing off for the last time, on a classic old 1960's AM portable radio. During the clip, one of their announcers is telling a tale -- a tale of how he always loved WCBS ever since he was a kid -- and he ended up working there. His voice is the last one heard before the WCBS ID at Midnight, and the plug is pulled, before the station ID's as "WHSQ".

Because there seems to be an issue with Blogger's YT search function (they changed it, and their Blogger/YT search function is basically broken -- all results, instead of being specific, are now completely useless), here is a link to the vid. It's worth checking out.:

EDIT: I found a way to embed the YouTube video. Had to use quotes around my search terms. The panel should play when you click the arrow.


My two cats I lost last year and this year: Fluffy is on the left, and Squeakers is on the right. They were pals. As you can tell, I was working on my GE Superadio 1, and also had some cleanup to do. You can tell I still read newspapers, and there were a couple books I was reading, too. The cats, of course, helped themselves to the table to take a nice rest from playing mouse. 
This was in 2011. Such a long, long time ago.

In other life, yeah, it's been pretty shitty around here. My cat Squeakers died, and I had to bury her earlier today. It really sucks to lose your little friend, after dealing with her sickness for over a year, and all the joy she brought to my life before that. I still have a couple other cats, but Squeakers was my little pal.

Losing this one really hurts.

There's not much more to say.  I still have a few new articles written, that just need editing, and some pics added. I'll get around to it eventually.

C.C. August 25th, 2024.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

R.I.P My Little Friend

It hurts, of course, when your little pal is gone, and Squeakers was my little pal. She was sick for two years, got better, and then got worse, and nothing I could do really helped. She seemed to be getting better and stronger again last night, and when I checked on her this morning, she was gone. 

Squeakers was a good cat. My little friend. I got her on August 9th, 2010. She was still a very small kitten. My former girlfriend's son had her, they had gotten her for free when someone had a box of kittens they were trying to give away, standing with a box by the side of the road with a Free Kittens sign -- there were just two kittens left, both Siamese mixes -- and so they got the littler one. Soon they found they had their hands full with two toddlers and a big dog, and so my former girlfriend texted me and said "you want a playful, people kitten?"

I said sure -- and soon enough, Sheryl brought over Squeakers (top picture).

And Squeakers was indeed a playful, people kitten. She loved to play mouse (sixth picture), and she was a lot of fun. She truly was my little pal. She was also quite sensitive to my moods. She didn't like it if my Mom and I got into an argument (we both had loud voices). Squeakers would complain until we stopped. She also didn't like my bagpipes. Over time I sensed that Squeakers knew when I was stressed, which happened a lot when I was taking care of my mother 24/7/365 with very little sleep.

One thing I've learned is that Cats key in on your moods. Sometimes they respond to your stress. They really are good and true companions.

Squeakers died on August 23rd, 2024, roughly 14 years old. In cat years, that's a long time -- 72 cat years. I was hoping she would be around for another few months at least, at least a year or two longer -- but it didn't happen.

So long my little pal. See you on the other side. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Radio Morning Shows Experiencing Decline -- another moneymaker for Radio is fading

KZZU-FM, Spokane, WA, was one of the Adult Contemporary stations that got rid of their local Morning show, to replace it with national syndication or podcast-based syndicated shows.

I frequent a couple different online radio forums, and on one of them a guy posted a link to an article in Billboard magazine, dealing with the decline of the Radio morning show.

Radio 'morning drive' shows, along with the 'afternoon drive' shows, historically were the biggest revenue drivers for radio stations. Many stations' fortunes revolved around the ratings of their Morning show especially. If the Morning show team split up, or somehow the hosts/DJ's lost their touch and ability to entertain, ratings dropped, and station revenues would be affected as well.

In this case, the Billboard article talks about several morning shows across the US and Canada losing their Morning shows, and replacing them with podcasts / shows from other regions of the country. This happened even when the shows were still apparently getting decent ratings. The problem is that Radio isn't making enough money to cover salaries.

One radio expert on the forum where I got the Billboard link said that the decline mentioned in the article also pertains mostly to Contemporary Hit Radio stations, whose ratings have seen gradual declines nationwide over the past couple years. Pop stations don't have the same pull that they used to. No one seems to know exactly why this is. 

In my view, it's probably a reflection of the decline in Pop music quality since the early part of the previous decade -- but that may just be my own musical preferences coming into play. In the case of the morning shows that are talked about on the Billboard article, the stations are not all Top 40. The Spokane, Washington station, KZZU-FM, is Adult Top 40 (normally known as "Hot AC"). So is CKCE-FM in Calgary -- they are "Hot Adult Contemporary". And, in the case of CKCE Calgary, the station apparently gets good ratings.

Either way, the fact is that there are issues with pop music radio, and Morning shows, and this decline probably will continue in other formats, as the Radio audience continues to migrate to online podcasts and music streaming platforms.

Here is a link to the Billboard story.:
Morning Radio Hosts Are Losing Their Jobs as Stations Struggle (

CKCE-FM's Logo. CKCE-FM is a "Hot Adult Contemporary" station in booming Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

This loss of morning personality shows mentioned in the article also hit fairly close to home, as Spokane, a city in my state, about 300 miles east of me, is where the KZZU-FM Dave, Ken & Molly morning show cast was let go in favor of a national, podcast based show (called Joey & Lauren).

Here is a link to KZZU-FM's webpage:

And here is a link to Joey & Lauren's show promoting website.:

They also have clips on their Facebook, here.:

Joey & Lauren look like they're an entertaining, young married couple doing podcast radio and having the time of their lives. And this podcast version of radio seems to be the future of Radio, where everything is time shifted, nothing is actually live, and the average listener doesn't care. It's like voice tracking on steroids, because the podcast is often available outside the Over-The-Air Radio medium, meaning you don't actually need Radio to hear it or enjoy it.

In other words, with podcasting, you don't need Radio at all. This is the future, folks. Podcasting and Streaming -- that is where it is all headed. 

So, although the title to this blog article may be exaggerating slightly when it says Morning shows are 'fading' -- especially when they are being replaced by nationally syndicated shows and podcasts -- it really is accurate, because the concept of the local Morning show was a driver for radio listening going back to the late 1950's, and probably even further back than that. The local Morning show probably reached its apex in the 1980's and 1990's, when the concept of the "Morning Zoo" became popular -- where there were at least three on-air presenters, usually engaging in on-air pranks, talking about edgy subjects as well as day to day life, taking in a few callers, and the like. Many Morning shows still adhere to a version of the "Morning Zoo".

Here's a Wiki on the "Morning Zoo" concept.:

Now the concept is gradually being replaced, and it looks like it's going to be replaced by the Podcast. Podcasting is king. And a station subscribing to Podcasts, compared to having a Morning air-staff, is apparently a cheaper way of getting content on the air than paying any air-staff. And that's a big deal when Radio revenues are down.

Some shows I've heard, like the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show, a rock radio morning show, are navigating their way towards a completely webcasting and podcasting based model. I first heard the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show on Spokane's KJRB "The Bear" 790, before they drastically cut power at night, and then I heard them when Merced, California's KBRE "The Bear" 1660 adopted the show a few years ago.

Here's the website of the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show, and you can see that there are five presenters, and you need a subscription to watch the web feeds and hear the podcasts (although they do have a free podcast section on their site). It's an example of the Subscription-based audio entertainment model -- which is de rigeur for most content creators and content sites.:

Of course, the subscription-based audio entertainment business model has been a thing since the 2000's. Phil Hendrie had a website where you could subscribe and have access to MP3's of all his funny skits, and that was in 2005. 'Shock jock' talk host Tom Leykis also started a streaming site where he would conduct his show for subscribers only, when his on-air Radio show ended in 2009.

So the notion of a subscription based, web content "Radio" model isn't exactly new. But at the same time, it's not exactly the norm. But it's getting there.

This is the future of "Radio".

It's no secret that Radio has taken a big hit from the post-Pandemic economy, as advertising revenues have dropped. The post-Pandemic economic hit added to the previous decline since the mid 2000's, when Radio made about 60% more revenue than it makes today (when accounted for inflation in real dollars -- in nominal dollars, the drop is more like 25-30%).

This drop in ad revenues isn't just a Radio related phenomenon; it's also affecting other media -- be it print, or even online media like online newspapers and social media sites. Because the internet is the definition of market saturation, the law of supply and demand seems to come into play when it comes to advertising revenues: there is basically an infinite supply, and a nearly infinite number of advertisement slots on all the websites.

I go into some of these factors in my article Who Killed Radio?, which I published three or four months ago. You can read that here.:

The issues facing Radio, along with the processes, people, and decisions that have been aiding Radio's decline -- as described in that article -- are still ongoing today. The decline in Morning shows is an example of lower revenues and increased internet use combining to change the way "Radio" is consumed. And that trend will continue until it is all online, and there will be no FM or AM radio at all.

In the case of Calgary's CKCE-FM, the station replaced their Morning show "Mornings with Bo and Jess" with a podcasted version of another show out of Edmonton.

Here is CKCE-FM's website. It's fairly active with animated stuff, social media chatter, and the like.:

The saddest part of this story -- of Morning shows being replaced with national, podcast based syndicators -- is that most of the on-air staff who worked the Morning shows probably will never find air gigs in Radio again. If they already have a podcast, they may be able to survive via the internet, but -- as any internet content creator can tell you -- competition is nearly infinite, and selling online content is not always the panacea that many make it out to be.

As I've stated before, I'm in the indie, eBook publishing business, part time, and the indie publishing community is full of stories of people who sold thousands of books and maybe made a couple thousand bucks over ten years. It's a thousand bucks they wouldn't have had otherwise, but you don't always make a lot of money doing internet content.

In fact, most internet content creators probably don't make much.

The ad revenue issue and Morning show cuts have hit locally, here in Seattle, recently. Popular morning show talk host Bryan Suits, who was the 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. guy on local station KTTH 770, was let go about two months ago, even though the 6+ ratings for KTTH were OK, and he had a show-related stream that had around 200K viewers. I used to listen to Suits' show many mornings and he and his producer had a humorous way of presenting the news and events of the day from a conservative perspective.

But with the Radio revenues falling as they have been, KTTH's owners were not immune to the idea of doing some cost cutting. They replaced Suits' show with a syndicated, California based show, Armstrong & Getty, based out of Sacramento, with stations in California, Oregon, and now Washington, too.

You can read about Suits' show being cut here.:

And, of course, one could include the slashing of the entire on-air crew at KPNW-FM a couple months ago, when the Alternative/AAA station was flipped to country. Although format flips happen in Radio all the time, KPNW-FM tried to have veteran, Seattle on-air radio personalities to bring in listeners. Their morning show also starred a DJ who was fairly well known in the Seattle area.

However, having DJ veterans, and known Morning show hosts didn't save the station. The Country music replacement for KPNW-FM, "The Bull", seems to be doing a bit better in the ratings, as Country music seems to be on the increase in national and apparently local popularity. Still, it remains to be seen just how long FM radio can survive the same revenue and listener migration storms that AM radio has been dealing with for the past decade and a half.

The revenue problem has even hit public radio, as local NPR affiliate KUOW, a highly rated FM station (they usually are in the top 5 ratings, 6+) has had to cut staff because their revenues -- which had increased slightly -- were outpaced by their costs.

Here's KUOW's story on the cuts, which happened in May of this year.:

It's tough to make it in Radio. Heck, it's tough to make it in any media today. Even news websites are loaded with video ads and all sorts of animated crap that make the websites look like less like a news site and more and more like a Spam-o-rama. It's because they're desperate. Subscription fees don't bring in the revenues that the old print and TV newscast model did, and ad revenues are low because there are literally a gazillion slots, everywhere on the internet. 

Welcome to the Future. The Future Is Now.

Recently, the weather has cooled. Right now it's raining out. Light rain. July has been iffy, weather wise, but at least it's not 110F out like it is in Phoenix and Las Vegas. I'm working on an article about my Radio Shack DX-394, a radio I've had since 1998 but never used regularly (I don't know why -- it's a good radio), but have recently been using a lot, especially when monitoring the Shortwave ham radio bands.

I'll try to get that one out within the next week.  A couple other radio-related articles are in the works as well.

Until then, my friends,

C.C. July 29th, 2024.