Monday, April 13, 2015

April Sunny Clouds & The Rose Of The World

April is that in-between month here in the western slope of Washington state. It's a time when the sun starts to appear more and more. The sun is also much higher in the sky, and much brighter.

And the clouds are interesting.

The dandelions start to appear. They can be found in nearly every Western Washington lawn during this time of year, spreading their bright yellow cheer.

Dandelions alongside the Cedar River Trail, Renton.
It's a time when we're looking forward to summer, and winter's rains are less and less.
When it's windy during the Spring, you can always fly a kite.

Photo of a tie-dye colored kite I bought at a drugstore several years ago for $3

But mostly, April is still that in-between time -- the weather is always in-between winter (rain) and summer (mostly sun).

Lately (aside from work), there hasn't been incredible amounts of stuff going on, aside from books I've been reading (Yeats and Knut Hamsun, mainly), so there hasn't been an awful lot for me to write about. The following photo is of one of my favorite Yeats poems, "The Rose Of The World". I rediscovered it last year. I have no idea who it was for, but the last stanza speaks loads.

A page from a 'best of' Yeats book pictured in another post here. 
As I mentioned, I have also been reading the Norwegian author Knut Hamsun. It's an e-book, and one of his most famous books: "Pan". Although Hamsun is a Norwegian author, I'm reading it in English. The book is an interesting description of life in northern Norway in the 1800's. So far, the main character seems to be a bit socially clunky. He has two love interests, but can't seem to get going with either of them. But then, I'm only two thirds of the way through the book.

Hamsun is a very descriptive writer. I'm certain he would have much to say about the clouds in the picture above (which I snapped a day or so ago). He would say a lot more than I can.

I recall when I was a kid, sometimes I'd look up and just watch the clouds go by in the summer. I would imagine I was falling upwards, into the clouds, amazed at the color of the sky. Now I just photograph them.

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