Thursday, July 16, 2015

Happy Third Week of July

Sunset, HCC, July 3, 2008.
It's been one of those months so far where the sun has been shining, but sometimes hasn't (very bright haze, grey skies, then 90 degrees); things are looking up, sort of... making gains, and then going backwards... you get the idea.

The Fourth of July was a relative dud. Friends had to work, hardly anyone in the area blew off even safe and sane fireworks. Either the economy is really socking it to those who normally would light a few fireworks off, or the killjoys that are trying to ban even sparklers are finally getting their way.

I put out my flags, cooked some hot dogs. It was a beautiful night, actually. It was not unlike the one in the picture below:

HCC, August, 2008, cheap digital flash snapshot camera.
I've been weightlifting, something that I mentioned in another post here. I had to cut back the amount of weight I was pressing to improve my 'form', so I could get more building effect -- feel more 'burn' -- from the presses. It feels better after workouts, yes, but it doesn't feel great to cut back on the weight to do it.

Ah, yes, the psychology of numbers.

I have made some pretty good gains with the weights, though, and that always feels good.

Your most basic toolkit is your body, and it's much better to build it than let it go -- especially something to think about when some simply can't.

I've started writing an action novel with lots of bad language (woops) and, of course, plenty of violence. The amazing thing about writing fiction is that there are no limits except the ones you set for your characters. Some of the characters go over the top a bit.

Sunset over Highline College, July 3, 2008. Taken on a cheap digital flash camera that -- although it was a 640X480 camera, it had very rich, saturated colors.

One of my friends is trying to arrange a jam session with himself, me, and a couple other guys -- and maybe it will happen this summer. I haven't really played with other people in a while, and as my own playing style is different from most (Mick Taylor's slide combined with Mick Cocks' rhythms), I'm not sure how it will fit in, but where there is a will there's a way.

My #2 guitar, which recently has been the one I've been playing the most.

I still have been working on some songs I have been threatening to get down for a while but the work involved sometimes makes it easy to put off.  But my playing has improved quite a bit.

A totem pole somewhere, I think it's at HCC. Taken on a $10 cheap digital camera.

I still have a couple posts in the works on a Seattle photo trip, and some nature pictures I took, as well as some photos of a Classic Car show that was in my city last weekend.

I've started a couple small articles on my long distance radio listening hobby -- articles that I may post from time to time. I also wrote an article on depression (I'm not depressed, but there was a news article about it a couple months ago that got me writing about it) that I may soon include here for my readers.

And all of you readers are much appreciated!

I'll end this blog post with something from Mr. Celery:

You just look deep into Mr. Celery's eyes and you can see where he's coming from.
Happy third week of July from CC.

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