Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tegn av Våren

 Pink cherry blossoms, photo taken a week or so ago.
Tegn av Våren -- jeg tror det er norsk for Signs of Spring. And we've had many signs of Spring lately, including better weather.

Here in the Seattle area Spring is either a rainy season or a wonderful season. If you dress for the weather, I suppose, it can be both. This Spring has turned out to be better than usual.
Bluebells alongside the Cedar River Trail.

Most days have been 60F (12C) or more, and some days have reached 70F (22C). Two mornings ago it was bright sun and a gentle breeze -- a perfect Spring morning.
A mystery plant, with pink blooms. I have no idea what plant this is.
 This Spring I've been out on the local nature and bike trail daily, where I am surrounded by nature. I've been able to see the trees go from bare branches, to being full of leaves.
Even the lowly Himalayan blackberry (often considered a weed here in the NW US) has white blossoms. In the summer they will be loaded with berries.

I've taken my camera with me most mornings, so I've also taken a few photos.

The past two weeks all the flowering shrubs and trees (like cherry trees and dogwood trees) have been colorful.

Pink dogwood trees in someone's back yard.

This morning I noticed the cherry trees and dogwood trees are almost done blooming, though.
A close up of a neighbor's pink dogwood tree.

Some people have beautiful rhododendrons and azaleas in their yards:
This yard always has beautiful azaleas (in front) and rhododendrons (red plant in back).
A nice rhododendron plant in a different yard in my area.

In my own yard, the only flowers are money plants ("Lunaria" plants). They have pretty purple flowers in the spring, and their seed pods are round and flat, looking a bit like ancient Chinese money:
Lunaria plant, usually called a "Money Plant"

It's too bad they don't grow real money. :-)

I have more Spring (and other) pictures on my Flickr:

PS: I have noticed that a reader is from overseas, from Norway. I really appreciate you taking your time to read my blog. 

Jeg ville skrive noe på norsk, men -- som du vet -- min norsk er dårlig. Men mange takk for å lese min blogg. Glad for at du var her!

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